• We were first introduced to Texas barbecue when we visited Austin in the summer of 2017. Fik immediately became obsessed! Coming home from Austin, Fik purchased his first backyard smoker “The Old Country" and made a YouTube video on that. He’d watched tons of YouTube videos on how to make smoked brisket. From there, lots of trial and error.

    We started our business during the height of the pandemic in June 2020 from the backyard of our home. It stemmed from the motivation of our friends and family to start selling, so we said “Why not!? Doesn’t hurt to try!”. We took weekly preorders via Instagram and personally delivered them all over the Bay Area, South Bay, Peninsula even as far as Saratoga and built a following from there.

    Fast forward to September 2023, one of our regulars reached out to us asking if we’d be interested in opening a brick and mortar. When that opportunity was presented to us, we couldn’t pass it up.

    We’re deeply humbled for all the support our friends, family, and the community have given us in continuing to share our passion and craft.

    Terima kasih (Thank you in bahasa) from the bottom of our hearts!

  • We apologize that we are not able to accommodate these requests at the moment. Hopefully, in the future.

  • Come EARLY! Bring a chair, a book, listen to a podcast, grab coffee and make friends in line to get the full Texas BBQ experience! The earlier the better to ensure you'll get all available options, as some popular items sell out quicker.

    To give better customer experience, we have a white board that is time stamped (in front of the restaurant entrance door) of our inventory throughout service. We also have a team member go down the line outside the gate to update. Please come through the gated entrance and check out our inventory board if you may have missed us updating the line.

    We are a small team and trying our very best to move the line quicker. We appreciate your patience.

  • Beef back ribs are cut from the back of the ribeye steaks. Dino ribs, also called “plate ribs,” sit just behind the brisket in the lower rib portion of the cow.

    Our beef back ribs are glazed and typically weigh 0.5 lb per bone, while our dino ribs are prepared with a dry rub and weigh an average of 1.5 lbs per bone.

  • No. For smoked brisket, you can buy as little or as much as you’d like (i.e. 1/4 lb, 1/2 lb).

    However, dino ribs and beef back ribs is a minimum of one bone. See question below on the difference between dino ribs and beef back ribs.

  • Fik is currently running 1,750 gallons in combined smoker capacity!
    For each service day, that roughly comes out to 180 pounds of brisket, 24 racks dino ribs (72 bones), 12 racks of back ribs (84 bones), 125 sausages, and 70 chicken legs.

  • We are proud to serve zabiha halal beef from Creekstone Farms, and chicken from Crescent.

    Halal means - The animals are raised and slaughtered according to Islamic principles.

  • No. Because, on average, it takes 12-14 hours to smoke our brisket before we rest them overnight in a “hot hold.” All our meats are cooked the previous day before they make it to the restaurant to be sold for optimize result.

  • On weekdays, we prep for our weekend service hours!
    For example, we start grinding brisket for our sausages on Tuesdays, trim middle of the week and preparing our briskets, sausages and chicken to be smoked on Friday for Saturday service, and Saturday for Sunday service. As our team continues to grow, we hope to open an additional day soon.

  • We are hiring!

    As a small but quickly-growing family-owned business, we all wear many hats and jump in to help where we can. Tell us about your skill set and experience at fikscue@gmail.com, and we'll get back to you if you sound like a good fit for our team!

  • We appreciate all the love for our little space, but we can’t take all the credit for the decor! The wall art was installed by the previous ownership along with most of the other designs you see today. We made minor changes as we only had about 3 weeks to move in before we opened our doors to the public.